People tend to do crazy things when they get desperate. Think of any situation you have been in where things looked bleak. It might be that you considered doing something that you normally would not. In the current economic crisis in the United States, people are preparing for an increase in crime rates. Ask any Las Vegas Criminal Defense Attorney and they will tell you that they are preparing for more work. When people have less money, they begin to become hopeless. Unfortunately, some see crime as an escape from their problems. If the current recession mirrors the trends of any other recession, we are going to need every Las Vegas Criminal Defense Lawyer because crime rates will go up.
A recession is not the only reason that some people act out of their normal behaviors. A tragic event, such as a natural disaster, leaves many people without homes, food, or water. Many people have to steal in order to survive the catastrophe. This was very evident during the time after Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans. Some people were stealing from grocery stores that were abandoned to get the necessary survival items. This is slightly understandable because of the severity of the conditions in New Orleans. Then things escalated to a level that not many expected. Citizens began to loot from any store that they wanted because most owners had fled the city to escape the danger. No longer were people stealing to survive. Instead they were robbing to benefit, taking items like televisions, cars, and alcohol.
When a situation such as the one in New Orleans breaks out, the government can restore order. This requires someone to declare Martial Law over the area in chaos. This means that the military takes the place of the normal police force in that area. Martial law is not put into effect very often. New Orleans was actually put in a state of emergency, which meant that the police could take any necessary means to stop looting. New Orleans is a city that is familiar with this type of situation. Martial Law was put into effect once before. It used to be a British controlled city, but once the United States gained control in 1812 the military took control until a true police force could be put into place.
If martial law is being put into place, it means that there is some sort of event that warrants it. Unfortunately, it is usually a situation involving tragedy or violence. It is a great thing that the United States government has prepared for these types of possibilities. Martial Law is a very smart idea that is effective when needed. You just have to hope that it is needed very often, especially as the economy worsens, because it means that some sort of hopeless situation has broken out. People tend to act very differently when they feel that there is only one way out, but people should know that there is usually another way out.
Chuck Stewart has been researching a Las Vegas criminal defense lawyer to see if he would do a good job on his brothers case. He was very impressed with the quality of work provided by the Las Vegas criminal defense attorney he spent time with.
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